Hello and let me apologize, It's been quite a while. First of all, i went ahead and deleted a ton of posts from about 2 years ago when i initially started this blog, I had initially hoped to document the writing process for "Is This Goodbye?" but i never kept up with it, and all that was left were references to songs that didn't make the cut. It's funny how irrelevant documenting an album process becomes over time if you dont keep up with it. If i left them there it would be like showing points B , and C without showing A , D , E, and F and would most certainly lead to more questions that I'm not sure i could even answer at this point.
Anyway, the album is out (finally) and i couldn't be happier with it. We are doing some cool things year to really give it the push i think it deserves. My hope with this blog is to keep a 'Tour Diary' of sorts for the upcoming "Til Death Tour' in which we will be supporting our friends Aesthetic Perfection and Surgyn. The plan is, a bunch of dudes will jump in a van crisscross North America fueled by Vodka. So it's pretty much going to be a good time and should lead to some interesting stories.